1 | Discovery > Community Research
Community Research Assessment |
General, Describe Your Community (Good Soil–Very Receptive, Rocky Soil—Often Receptive, Thorny Soil—Somewhat Receptive, or Hard Soil—Not Receptive) |
Describe How Your Community Perceives Your Church |
Is This Perception in Line with Your Expectations? |
If No, How Can You Modify Community Perceptions? |
Community Population Trends (Rapid Growth, Steady Growth, Flat, or Declining) |
How Does This Trend Impact the Church's Ministry? |
Do Approximate Church & Community Median Ages Match? |
If No, What Quick Ideas Can Bridge the Gap? |
Are the Fastest-Growing Community Age Categories? (Preschoolers, Children, Students—Middle & High School, Young Adults (Ages 18-24), Median Adults (Ages 25-34), Meridian Adults (Ages 35-54), Senior Adults (Ages 55+) |
Is Your Church Equipped to Reach These Age Groups? |
Your Overall Ministry to Families (Highly Effective, Somewhat Effective, Rarely Effective or Not Effective) |
Is Ministry to Community Divorced People Needed? |
Do You Provide Ministry to Divorced People? |
Is Ministry to Community Young Adults Needed? |
Do You Provide Ministry to Young Adults? |
Do Approximate Church & Community Education Levels Match? |
If No, What Quick Ideas Can Bridge the Communication Gap? |
Do Approximate Church & Community Income Levels Match? |
If No, What Quick Ideas Can Bridge the Affinity Gap? |
Do Approximate Church & Community Occupational Profiles Match? |
If No, What Quick Ideas Can Bridge the Occupational Gap? |
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