I can’t say I’ve always done that consistently, but I’m resolving to spend more time thinking and less time doing in 2015. To get the ball rolling, I’ve compiled my short list of daily questions.
My list includes questions to ask about myself, my calling, my relationships (with God and others) and my organization. And the final question is a commitment to…ask more questions.
What about you? Do you have some questions worth asking?
Here’s my daily Q&A:
- Are you giving God your best offering today?
- Are you doing your best today?
- Are you giving today with no expectation of any ROI?
- Are making it fun, real and true?
- Are you making it fun for others? (the PEOPLE question)
- Are you being real and authentic? (the AUTHENTICITY question)
- Are you staying true to your personal calling and to your organization’s vision and values? (the ALIGNMENT question)
- What 3 additional questions need to be asked today?
- Why? (the PURPOSE question)
- How? (the STRATEGY question)
- Who? What? When? Where? (LOGISTICS questions)
So what’s the Big Idea?
Ask thoughtful questions each day to gain fresh insight about a whole range of personal, professional and organizational concerns. Answer your daily Q&A with honesty and commit to make key adjustments along the way.
- “Are You a Self-Aware Leader?” on MinistryActionPlans.com
- “4 Q&A Evaluation Strategies” on MinistryActionPlans.com