Are You a Self-Aware Leader?
Are you a self-aware leader? Answering yes means that you recognize what you’re good at and what you’re not. It means that you understand what you know and what you don’t. Most of all, it means that you’ve learned what you can do yourself and what you should give away...
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#imustconfess that before Christ, I was lost and confused about my purpose and my place on this earth. It’s true that I had heard (and read) the words of Jesus Christ, but I didn’t know Him in a personal way. I was 9 years old when I made Jesus Lord...
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Scoreboards & Accountability
If you’ve served or led for any length of time, then you’ve probably watched a key initiative come up short. Maybe a ministry plan was doomed from the start. Perhaps it was slowly and quietly smothered by competing priorities. What happened? The whirlwind of day-to-day activities consumed most of your...
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Ministry 4DX, Part 1
If you’ve served or led for any length of time, then you’ve probably watched a key initiative come up short. Maybe a ministry plan was doomed from the start. Perhaps it was slowly and quietly smothered by competing priorities. What happened? The whirlwind of day-to-day activities consumed most of your...
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Evangelism Redux
Over the last several decades, influential witness training methods like Evangelism Explosion (1962), Continuing Witness Training (1982), Becoming a Contagious Christian (1995) and FAITH Evangelism (1999) became key drivers of church growth. Across America and around the world, a fresh Acts 1:8 history lesson was learned: Develop an intentional witness...
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Set SMARTer Goals
Many goals fail because they aren’t clear, don’t seem important or aren’t likely to happen when you need them to. The solution is to use SMART criteria to make goal setting, well, smarter. SMART goals use a mnemonic acronym to guide the setting of objectives: S = Specific M = Measurable A =...
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Stop, Start, Continue?
What do you need to stop, start or continue? Visualize the idea of making ministry adjustments as a traffic light: Red = Stop Green = Start Yellow = Continue Stop. At the top sits a red light, signaling the question: What do you need to STOP doing? If a ministry...
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Energize Your Daily Routine
In recent weeks as my family has moved from one city to another, my daily routine has been thrown completely out of sorts. Thankfully, that period is ending and I’m finally able to reassert some positive order on my schedule, my morning routine and my daily priorities. I’ve already written...
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Family, Friends and Faith
When my young family and I moved back to Collierville in 2000, the ministry tag for Collierville First Baptist Church (CFBC) read “Home for Family, Friends and Faith.” As I reflect on our years here, that statement perfectly describes what both church and community have become for Suzy and me,...
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