Ministry 4DX
The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) is a simple, repeatable, and proven formula for executing on your most important strategic priorities in the midst of the whirlwind. 4DX includes:
- Discipline #1 – Focus on the wildly important
- Discipline #2 – Act on the lead measure.
- Discipline #3 – Create a compelling scoreboard.
- Discipline #4 – Create a cadence of accountability.
Departmental Scoreboards
Since each ministry area or department has 1 or 2 WIGs, it makes sense that each team will use a scoreboard that measures important lead measures for those goals.
The key idea is to take weekly stock of several lead measures, then show the lag measure they impact. Over time, positive movement in the lead measures should impact the lag measure (attendance, participation, etc.) in the right direction.
Remember that a compelling scoreboard should:
- Be simple
- Be highly visible to everyone
- Have the right lead and lag measures
- Tell you immediately if you are winning or losing
For example, take a look at a sample departmental scorecard for community. Notice that the five lead measures for discipleship, leader development and new groups have one lag measure—attendance. The team’s time and energy is spent on the first five items with the expectation that average attendance will go up:
[click to view image at full resolution]
Summary Scoreboard
The summary scoreboard is simple and easy to follow. It provides a big picture view of team and church priorities. There’s no ambiguity here, just clarity about your mission, vision and strategic focus.
For example, here’s a summary scoreboard with four key ministry lead and lag measures in clear focus:
[click to view image at full resolution]
Scoreboard Updates
Update the scoreboard regularly to keep everyone in sync. Here’s a sample update plan:
- Weekly – Departmental LAUNCH Meetings (Departmental Scorecard)
- Weekly – Staff Team Meetings (Summary Scoreboard)
- Monthly – Full Team Meetings – Departmental Update Rotation (Departmental Scorecard)
- Monthly – Leader & Committee Meetings (Summary Scoreboard)