Operation World – This knowledgebase contains articles, statistics, video and prayer information for every nation and region in the world. Receive daily prayer reminders that follow the Operation World prayer calendar.
Mandryk, Jason, Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation, 7th ed. (Colorado Springs: Biblica Publishing, 2010).
Perspectives – Perspectives is an intensive 15-session course taught by a different expert each week. Perspectives instructors are professors, missionaries, ministry experts and pastors from all over the United States, in addition to local missions experts and pastors. Each local class posts a list of scheduled instructors on the local class web site.
The course helps believers from all walks of life see how they can get threaded into God’s story of redeeming people from every tribe, tongue and nation to Himself. From Genesis to the prophets, Jesus Christ to the early church, and Constantine to today, you will see how God has been moving, how the global Church has responded, and what the greatest needs in world evangelization remain today. It isn’t a class about missions, but a course on how every believer can be intimately woven into the story of God using His people to be a blessing to all the peoples of the earth.
Perspectives classes are hosted at local churches, event centers, and school auditoriums. Search for upcoming classes here.
International Mission Board, SBC – The International Mission Board (IMB) leads every church to take up their role in reaching every nation with the gospel. IMB equips churches to pray, give and go:
- Pray – Join the critical work of praying for unreached peoples.
- Give – Empower IMB missionaries to make disciples.
- Go – Explore opportunities to take the gospel to the nations.
North American Mission Board, SBC – The North American Mission Board (NAMB) mobilizes churches to act as a missional force and impact North America with the gospel. NAMB’s focus is in three primary areas:
- Send Network – Church Planting
- Send Relief – Compassion Ministry
- Send Hope – Evangelism Strategy
Acts 1:8 Strategy – Developing an Acts 1:8 missions strategy is an opportunity for churches to serve their community (Jerusalem), state & region (Judea), continent (Samaria) and world (ends of the earth).
Hesselgrave, David J., Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally: An Introduction to Missionary Communication, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1991).
Rankin, Jerry, and Ed Stetzer, Spiritual Warfare and Missions: The Battle for God’s Glory Among the Nations (Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2010).