One Page MAP
Short form Ministry Action Plans (MAPs) make strategy and goal-setting purposeful and concise. MAPs are vision clarification and strategy planning on a few sheets of paper and the goal is K.I.S.S.: Keep it short and simple. Short form components include:
- Step 1 – Job Description
- Step 2 – Position Guidelines (PGs)
- Step 3 – Ministry Action Plan (MAP)
- Step 4 – Regular Coaching
Step 3 – Ministry Action Plan
Completed Annually
The third part of short form strategy planning lists ministry gaps and strategy-driven goals for each worker. Ministry Action Plans include:
- Ministry Vision – Why does your ministry exist and how does it accomplish our mission and vision using our strategy?
- Ministry Gap Assessment – What’s missing and what’s needed to achieve a growing, vision-aligned, healthy ministry?
- Leader/Volunteer Recruitment – Growing ministries require more leaders and volunteers. What’s your leadership development plan?
- SMART Ministry Goals – Goals provide a finish line and help you stay on track. How will you grow from x to y and how long will it take?
- Measurement – How will you know you’ve succeeded?
- Target Date – When do you anticipate reaching your goal?
- Time Allocation (%) – How much time will you spend working on this goal?
- Results – What happened? Did you achieve your goal? Fall short? Overachieve?
- Comments/Notes – Provide further information as needed.
- Goal Completion Dependencies – What resources are needed to achieve your goals?
- Professional Development – How will you grow in the coming year?
Here’s What It Looks Like
[click to view images at full resolution]
Page 1 – Vision, Gap Assessment & Leader/Volunteer Recruitment
Page 2 – SMART Goals, Goal Completion Dependencies & Professional Development
Sample MAP Documents
MAP Document Templates