Ministry Trends and More
Stay current about ministry trends, culture, leadership and research in our fast-changing culture. Take a few blogs from the list below on a test drive and see what you think.
Albert Mohler
President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY
Featured articles, fresh content and podcasts about vision and church growth
Carey Nieuwhof
Leadership and ministry growth insights with Carey Nieuwhof
Church & Culture Blog
Exploring contemporary culture to resource the local church with James Emery White
Church Answers
Assessment tools, articles, online courses and more for churches of all sizes and levels of health with Thom Rainer
Church Leader Insights
Church leader insights with Nelson Searcy
Church Leaders
News and information about ministry, vocational ministry and trending issues in the church
Full Focus
Helping you win at work, succeed at life and lead with confidence with Michael Hyatt
Integrus Leadership
Practical tools and easy to use resources that help you level up your leadership
Lifeway Kids Ministry
Curriculum, training and event blog and podcast from Lifeway Christian Resources
Lifeway Leadership
Leadership blog, events and resource library from Lifeway Christian Resources
John Maxwell
Blog about Leadership Issues from the John Maxwell Team
Ministry Matters
Supporting Christian ministry with resources, community and inspiration
Ministry Action Plans
Articles about leadership, evangelism, strategy, church growth, operations and personal growth from Tim Spencer, Executive Pastor at First West
Seth Godin
Seth writes about the post-industrial revolution, the way ideas spread, marketing, quitting, leadership and most of all, changing everything