Classic OGSM
Objectives-Goals-Strategies-Measures (OGSM) harmonize an organization’s goals with its strategy, transforming those goals into a measurable action plan. OGSM is the classic approach to strategy planning and management by objectives. OGSM components include:
- Objectives – Detail priorities that support church vision.
- Goals – Define goals for each value statement.
- Strategies & Action Plans – Goals are translated into choices.
- Measures – Define how you know the strategy is working.
Measuring Results
Measuring the results of strategies and action plans is the final step in developing a ministry action plan. Regular evaluation includes:
- Measures – Benchmark progress made in achieving your strategies and action plans.
- How do you know your strategy is working?
- What does success look like for each strategy?
- How do you measure success numerically for each strategy and plan?
- Adjustments – Evaluate strategies and action plans with the stop, start or continue exercise.
- What do you need to STOP doing?
- What do you need to START doing?
- What do you need to CONTINUE doing?
- Strategy Checkup – Make sure your objectives, goals, strategies, action plans and measures are strategically aligned.
- Do objectives, goals, strategies and measures have strategic alignment?
- Are strategies and measures sufficient to achieve your objectives?
- Is your strategy selective? Does it communicate what you’re not going to do?
- Are your strategies and action plans sustainable?
Ministry Action Plans > Review
Read more about measuring results.